At a glance
Client/project partners: Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Trust
Duration: Complete
Location: Liverpool
BREEAM - Excellent
CHt’s in-house delivery included Enterprise Solutions, which provided security, BMS and ICT services. Coordination of services and operational access and maintenance considerations have been embedded using our Digital Engineering and visualisation capabilities. Highlights of CHt’s DfMA strategy include: vertical and horizontal modules; plantroom modules; pipework risers; and fully modular wiring.
Our approach
Working as 'one team' alongside other Laing O'Rourke specialist business units enabled benefits of consistency and technical learning – the applied experience of working together and using the same management tools and approaches, including weekly engagement and collaborative, multidisciplinary workflow meetings. Essential coordination, and also key aspects of access/maintainability, benefitted from our digital engineering and visualisation capabilities.
Added value to clients
Dynamic control systems help the building perform more than 50% better than the Department of Health’s guideline targets. More than 30% of electrical demand is generated on site by low and zero carbon systems such as photovoltaic panels, leading to a 24% reduction in regulated CO2 emissions.
“The Winter Garden is a very special space for patients and staff. It’s a very uplifting space. Sometimes our patients are here all day, sometimes they’re here for a few weeks, so for them to feel safe and comfortable in a clinical environment, is fantastic.”