Crown House Technologies
At a glance
Client/project partners: HETCo strategic alliance
Status: Complete
Location: Middlesex
Complex engineering
The complex design of the terminal drove the decision to install the primary riser cores early in the construction process.
A total of 12 risers, each measuring 9m x 9m x 40m, each riser (consisting of 25 modules) weighing approximately 40 tonnes were installed. These risers then formed the main mechanical service cores, with the passenger terminal constructed around them.
CHt also designed, manufactured and installed over 3,000 MEP distribution modules throughout the terminal buildings, incorporating all containment runs for LV & LEV distribution, sprinklers, ductwork and pipework distribution systems.
Added value to clients
Around 99% of the old terminal’s materials were recycled. The new Terminal 2 produces 40% less carbon than the old terminal building. Solar panels on the roof further reduce the dependency on traditional energy supplies. In addition, a new energy centre, partially fuelled by renewably sourced woodchips, is providing heating and cooling.